A Community-Wide Emergency Alert System

Alert your entire community in seconds

The TownAlert mobile application enables instant, widespread communication

Get Started

Learn how it can benefit in your community!

Enable administrators, town leaders, police and fire chiefs, and other first responders to communicate quickly, efficiently and on a mass scale

In just seconds, send a direct message to citizens to keep them updated on potentially dangerous events.

Fast and Efficient

TownAlert is more efficient than social media and other methods of communicating with the public.

Single Touch

Send alerts via push notification to everyone in your community.

Instant Information

Broadcast emergencies or other must-know information instantly.

One-way Delivery

Share critical information and avoid issues around social media commenting.


Works with any operating system and hardware, including computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones.


No personal data is collected when the user downloads the app.

Simple to Deploy and Use

With simple deployment and full support, you can be up and running in no time.
Simply purchase the app, we'll send you a username and password, and you can login and immediately start sending out mass notifications.
And setup is even simpler for citizens. All they have to do is download the app and choose their town. It's that easy. They don't have to create an account or share their information, which increases the likelihood that they will sign up.
When you send out a message, they'll receive a push notification that drives them to your message.


Users open the application


Citizens can also send alerts through the app.


Citizens receive the alert.


Users open the application


here's what town alert users are saying

James Andrew

Graphic Designer

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To see TownAlert in action, schedule a live demonstration today.